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Copper Dictionary


Acid Leach

Dissolution of metal by processing the ore by means of acid solution.

Alloy (Copper Alloys)

Materials made by mixing copper with other metals. Common examples include brass (copper and zinc) and bronze (copper and tin).

Anode Copper

Thick slab made of raw copper, which is used in electrolytic refinement.



Drilling operation that is performed to discover or confirm underground orebodies. Drilling results are an important part of the reserve determination process.


Drilling Core

A long piece of rock that is taken out by drilling and represents the orebody.



A method that is used for the purification of copper. Copper ions are deposited from solution and gain mass by employing an electric current.

Electrostatic Separation

A method of separating different metallic minerals of the ore by differences in electrical load.



Drilling operation that is performed to discover or confirm underground orebodies. Drilling results are an important part of the reserve determination process.


Drilling Core

A long piece of rock that is taken out by drilling and represents the orebody.


Filter Press

A machine that separates the liquid from the ore and filters the solid particles.


A method of copper ore concentration. The ore is separated as foam by means of water and chemicals, and the valuable minerals are obtained.


Fine ore particles from milling and concentration.



Percentage of the valuable material in an ore or in a product of ore concentration. High-grade ores have higher metal content.

Groundwater Drainage

Operations to control the groundwater level and prevent the inundation of the galleries during the mining.



Includes the processes of recovering metals from aqueous solution. In copper mining, the separation of metal by leaching and solution is based on this method.

Hydrostatic Test

Method of testing mining equipment in water under pressure.


Ore Concentrate

Concentrated copper ore. Ore that is purified by processes like flotation becomes a product rich in copper at this stage.

Ore Concentration Plant

Plant where the extracted ore is concentrated by methods like flotation.

Orebody (Ore Deposit)

Mass of underground rock containing metal of economic value. Orebody is the main structure targeted by the mining projects.

Ore Dressing

Breaking, milling, and classification of the ore before concentration processes.

Ore-dressing Plant

Plants used for the concentration, purification, and processing of the ore.

Ore Grade/Tenor

Percentage of metal content in the ore. High-grade ores have higher metal content.

Ore Grinding

Process of reducing the ore to smaller particles. This allows liberation of the metallic content of the ore and separation of it from the minerals of no value.

Open-pit Mining

A method of mining that is used where the ore lies near the surface. Copper ore is extracted by stripping the soil layer.


Phosphate Rock

Rock rich in phosphor. Used for the production of fertilizers and chemical materials. In the mining sector, phosphate rock is an important source of raw material.


All the processes from the mining of the copper ore until the final product.


Iron sulphide (FeS2) mineral frequently occurring with copper ores. It is called "fool’s gold" and must be separated during the concentration processes in mining.

Pyrite Concentrate

A material separated from the ore containing iron and sulphide. Although pyrite is usually an undesirable by-product in gold mining, it can be used for the production of sulphuric acid.



Recrystallization of metals by heating. In copper production, it is especially used to increase the durability of the metal.


Process of reducing copper-oxide ores to pure copper by means of chemical reactions. Usually includes processes requiring high temperatures.

Reducing Furnace

A high-temperature furnace in which the copper is melted and purified.


Amount of metal lying underground that can be mined economically. Copper reserves are one of the main targets of the mining projects.

Reserve Determination

Calculation of the amount of ore that can be economically mined. Reserve determination is performed by drilling and analyses.

Reserve Recovery

Amount of mined ore of economic value.


Underground Mining

A system of mining involving block caving or pillar-and-room methods in ore deposits where opencast mining is not economical. In an underground mine, the application of the underground mining method and the selection of mining and cutting directions are of great importance.

Underground Mine Ventilation

Removal of gases and dust by providing airflow in underground mining.


Waste Rock

Rock that is mined while extracting the ore, but is of no economic value. This rock is often used as the filling material in underground mining, or is dumped as a waste material separately.


Opencast Mining

A method of mining that is used where the ore lies near the surface. Copper ore is extracted by stripping the soil layer.

Acid Leach

Dissolution of metal by processing the ore by means of acid solution.

Waste Rock

Rock that is mined while extracting the ore, but is of no economic value. This rock is often used as the filling material in underground mining, or is dumped as a waste material separately.


Copper Alloys

Materials that are made by mixing the copper and the other metals together and as a result, have different physical properties. Brass (copper and zinc ) and bronze (copper and tin) are among the most common alloys.

Copper Anode

Thick slab made of raw copper, which is used in electrolytic refinement.

Copper Casting

Pouring molten copper into moulds to produce copper in various forms such as slabs, wires, bars, etc.

Copper Carbonate

Naturally occurring carbonate minerals of copper; found in minerals such as azurite, malachite, etc.

Copper Cathode

Electrolytically refined pure copper slabs of 99.99% purity. Cathode copper is the primary raw material of industrial copper products.

Copper Concentrate

Powder or sludge material rich in copper that is produced by concentrating the copper ore. Used for melting operations.

Copper Crystals

Naturally crystallised copper. Rare and considered valuable.

Copper Slab

Thin slabs made of purified copper. Final stage of cathode production.

Copper Nanowires

Copper wires with very thin diameter that are used in the fields of electronic and nanotechnology.

Copper Oxide

Copper ores containing oxide minerals. Requires different methods of processing, compared to sulphide ores.

Copper Sulphate

Chemical compound in blue that is produced from the sulphite minerals of copper. Copper sulphate is used in various industrial applications.

Copper Chips

Thin chips or metallic waste generated during the processing of copper.

Copper Fines

Thin milled form of copper used for industrial production.

Copper Percentage

Percentage of total copper present in the ore.

Copper Concentration

Processing of the ore to increase its copper content.

Core Analysis

Chemical tests to determine the copper and other metals contained in the ore.

Cathode Copper

Electrolytically refined thin copper slab. Cathode copper may be of 99.99% purity.

Cathode Scraping

Process of scraping pure copper deposited on the cathode during the electrolytic refining.

Cathode Production

Process of dissolving copper ions from anode and moving them to cathode and producing pure copper slabs during the electrolytic refining.


Process of increasing the carbon content of the copper and creating more robust and harder alloys. Usually used in the industrial production.


A machine reducing large ores to smaller sizes.

Concentration Processes

Process of concentrating the ore by separating the valuable metals contained in the ore from the waste materials.

Concentration Chemicals

Chemicals that are used for ore concentration in flotation and leaching.

Concentration Plant

Plant where the extracted ore is concentrated by methods like flotation.



An intermediate product of melted copper sulphide during the copper production. Matte is converted into copper by later stages of purification.


Process of melting the copper ore at a high temperature and separating the metal from the other elements.

Melting Furnace

A furnace used for melting the copper ore at a high temperature.

Metal Ingot

A mass of metal obtained following the melting process. Copper ingots may be produced for various industrial uses.

Metal Recovery

Process of recovering metal from waste materials or used ores.

Metallic Copper

Naturally occurring rare pure copper. Usually occurs in the form of small crystal groups or plates.

Metallic Property

A term denoting the metal content of an ore and the degree of purity of this metal.


The science of separating metals from ores and processing them. Copper metallurgy includes the mining and purification processes of copper.

Mine Water Treatment

Treatment of the water from mines both chemically and physically.



Process of separating the ore into different sizes.​


Settling of copper in solid state by separating it from the solution. Common in leaching processes.


Process of purifying copper. Smelting increases the degree of purity and makes the copper ready for industrial use.

Solid-Liquid Separation

Process of separating solids from liquids during the ore concentration.

Solid Waste Dump Site

Site where the concentration tailings are dumped and the environmental impacts are minimized.

Stripping Ratio

In opencast mining, the amount of waste rock that must be removed to mine one ton of ore. Usually, smaller mining ratios point to more economic mining.

Sulphide Copper

Copper ore fused with sulphur, a nonmetal. Processed by flotation and smelting.

Sulphuric Acid

A strong acid; chemical formula, H₂SO₄. In copper mining, it is used for dissolving copper from the ore, especially in leaching processes.

Sulphuric Acid Plant

A plant where sulphuric acid produced during mining is treated. In copper mining, it is commonly used especially in leaching processes.


Vein Ore

A mass of copper minerals occupying fissures in the Earth’s crust. These vein-shaped ores may be important reserves in mining.



A term denoting a certain part of rock layers containing ore.


Opencast Mining

A method of mining that is used where the ore lies near the surface. Copper ore is extracted by stripping the soil layer.

Acid Leach

Dissolution of metal by processing the ore by means of acid solution.

Waste Rock

Rock that is mined while extracting the ore, but is of no economic value. This rock is often used as the filling material in underground mining, or is dumped as a waste material separately.


Opencast Mining

A method of mining that is used where the ore lies near the surface. Copper ore is extracted by stripping the soil layer.

Acid Leach

Dissolution of metal by processing the ore by means of acid solution.

Waste Rock

Rock that is mined while extracting the ore, but is of no economic value. This rock is often used as the filling material in underground mining, or is dumped as a waste material separately.


Opencast Mining

A method of mining that is used where the ore lies near the surface. Copper ore is extracted by stripping the soil layer.

Acid Leach

Dissolution of metal by processing the ore by means of acid solution.

Waste Rock

Rock that is mined while extracting the ore, but is of no economic value. This rock is often used as the filling material in underground mining, or is dumped as a waste material separately.

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