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Eti Bakır

We produce the source of modern life

While offering critical raw materials indispensable for modern life to human use, we produce with respect for all living creatures that we share the Earth with.

Eti Bakır Samsun İzabe ve Elektroliz Tesisi

A technology hub
in Samsun!

We carry out production in coordination with Mining 4.0 in all spheres of activity through our Samsun R&D Center, the largest of its kind, and our use of cutting-edge technology. We aim to contribute to Türkiye's economic and technological development.

Doğal Yaşam


We draw our strength from knowledge
and innovation

We respect all living things that we share the Earth with. While producing the key ores and minerals of modern life with the power we derive from R&D and innovation, we also take care to produce benefits for a safe future. We support sustainable production and development in every link of our value chain.

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Number of Eployees


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Annual ore mined

6million tons

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Cathode copper production

80thousand tons

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Total number of plants

8 plants

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Annual fertilizer production

1thousand tons

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Number of trees planted



We produce sustainably with R&D and innovation.

While keeping close track of technological advancements, we bring natural resources to the economy in the most efficient way with R&D.

Samsun İzabe ve Elektroliz Tesisi

Samsun Smelter & Electrolysis Plant

Eti Bakır Adıyaman İşletmesi

Adıyaman Plant

Eti Bakır Cerattepe İşletmesi

Cerattepe  Plant

Eti Bakır Halıköy Antimuan Tesisi

Halıköy Antimony Plant

Eti Bakır Küre İşletmesi

Küre Plant

Mazıdağı Metal Geri Kazanım ve Entegre Gübre Tesisleri

Mazıdağı Metal Recovery & Integrated Fertilizer Plant

Eti Bakır Murgul İşletmesi

Murgul Plant

Eti Bakır Siirt İşletmesi

Siirt Plant

Eti Bakır Tereksay İşletmesi

Terak-Sai Plant


News from Eti Bakır

You can visit our news page to stay informed about all our operational processes and new investments.

Sunset Opera Binası


Eti Bakır, sorumlu üretimle küresel devlerin tedarik merkezi olacak

Sunset Opera Binası


Eti Bakır’ın ‘Çevre Müfettişleri’ iş başında!

Sunset Opera Binası


Eti Bakır, Mazıdağı’nda 600 iyileştirme çalışmasıyla üretimde verimliliği artırdı

Sunset Opera Binası


Eti Bakır, maden sahalarının rehabilitasyonu için TÜBİTAK ile Ar-Ge projesi geliştirdi

Sunset Opera Binası


Eti Bakır’ın Mazıdağı Tesisi, sürdürülebilir bataryalar için AB’den fon almaya hak kazandı

Eti Bakır


Our most important natural resource is our employees...

Looking for a career opportunity that will enable you to gain global experience in the mining industry in a trusting, fair and modern working environment? Join us at Eti Bakır.

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